Category: Talent in Sourcing
It’s true! Freakonomics’ Stephen Dubner is coming to dreamSource…
If you've ever had some to read Freakonomics, you'll know how excited we are to announce that co-author Steven Dubner has agreed to speak at our dreamSource event this spring.Read More
HfS rated in the top right-hand-corner of analyst firms for influencing buyers and journalists
HFS Research was an outstanding performer in the Analyst Value Survey. Buyers of analysts' services rate HFS Research as one of the most valuable providers, and one of a handful of firms whose influence grew most impressively in 2012Read More
If outsourcing were an employee, it would be fired… Part 2
So if you haven't been fired yet, here's how to avoid it happening...Read More
If outsourcing were an employee, it would be fired… Part 1
For those of you attending our dreamSource summit this Spring, Lee and I will co-host a session entitled "If outsourcing were an employee, it would be fired". Lee, who today has built and now leads shared services for heathcare provider, Ascension Health, caught up with us last week to talk about the session and why we called it just that...Read More
Banking in 2013: Control freaks who just can’t let go face their toughest challenges yet
Financial services are poised to have a huge year; there will be mergers, systems upgrades, global expansion and new product launches all designed to regain their positions as industry leaders.Read More
Outsourcing may be battered, bruised and vilified… so why is only a twentieth of enterprises planning to reduce it in 2013?
Make no bones about it: 2012 was a pretty dire year for the industry known as "outsourcing". However, brand new data from our State of Outsourcing 2013 Study conducted with the support of KPMG, and the largest-ever research survey focused on IT and business function outsourcing, clearly shows that the majority of enterprises are not only aggressively focused on increasing their outsourcing portfoilios, but many are now taking a more mature and realistic approach.Read More
Why have we become such crappy managers?
The recent post entitled "Can we ever get back to the thinking workforce" focused on the poor work habits that have infiltrated many of today's workers to create a dearth of analytical thinkers for our organizations. Read More
Can we ever get back to the “thinking” workforce?
Many of today's businesses are over-bloated with operational staff whose modus operandi is about maintaining the status quo, as opposed to exploring new ways to advance the business. Read More
So… who’s got the bottle to buy HP’s BPO services business?
In today's commodotizing market for IT and business services, HP's services business can only really look to defend what it still has against the encroaching competitive bite of the likes of Accenture, Cognizant, Genpact, IBM, TCS etc. However, there is one option that could revitalize its legacy: merge with one of the market leaders. Read More
Tiger Tales Part III… Working with the 57%
In Part III, we ask Genpact CEO Tiger Tyagarajan his views of the "57%", the percentage of enterprise customers who feel their provider does not understand their businessRead More