Category: ChatGPT

  • GenAI or Die

    We've finally reached the point in our careers when we need to learn new and more ingenious ways of doing things. No more papering over the cracks, no more passing the problems onto someone else to fix. YOU are the problem that now needs fixing. Generative AI is your secret weapon. It tears down barriers, fuels innovation, and keeps you ahead of the curve. Adapt or perish – the choice is yours.Read More

  • Ten reasons why GPT-4o will pour fuel onto the GenAI smoldering platform

    May 19, 2024 |

    Having multimodal capability that brings speech, text, video, and content together into one singular neural network that we can communicate with in real-time and immerse into our day-to-day activities is the game changer we have been unwittingly waiting for...Read More

  • GenAI will crash and burn

    April 01, 2024 |

    We’re sad to inform you all that the GenAI we have grown to love with such intensity will shortly crash and burn.  We’ve been here before, folks, when we called the death of RPA five years ago… and we are today calling the death of GenAIRead More

  • Why actions will eat code

    March 07, 2024 | ,

    After a remarkable journey through the era of computerization and its remarkable contributions, we stand at a pivotal moment of innovation. It's time to bid farewell to a core element that has been instrumental in its success:  We must undertake a comprehensive reevaluation of our enterprise application suites and the ecosystem of coding that has been central to their development and support. Our future is all about visible actions and invisible technology...Read More

  • Francis chances with HFS!

    January 31, 2024 |

    We are thrilled to announce a significant addition to the HFS Research team, as we welcome Francis Carden as our new Chief Technology Evangelist. Francis brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise that will undoubtedly enhance our capabilities and benefit our clients.Francis brings four decades of invaluable experience in the realm of software automation, having co-founded successful companies such as Pixel Innovations and OpenSpan. In 2016, Pega acquired OpenSpan to launch its RPA capabilities, and Francis led Pega's digital automation and robotics business.Read More

  • One small hop for tech, one giant leap for mankind… can Rabbit’s Large Action Model disrupt how we get things done?

    Large Action Models (LAM) are the most exciting development in AI evolution since ChatGPT was launched. Having an AI assistant not dependent on islands of apps that do not integrate with each other is everything we've been crying out for... But the future potential of LAMs is a lot bigger than addressing this burning problem plaguing our smartphone lives - it also has significant implications for the future of enterprise tech.  It's just incredible that while Google, Meta, Microsoft, et al. are all working on the evolution of LLMs toward actions and problem-solving, a startup like Rabbit is allegedly ahead of them.Welcome and step forward Jesse Lyu, who could well be the new Chinese Steve Jobs.Read More

  • Process intelligence unlocks faster and better innovation with GenAI

    January 15, 2024 | ,

    When enterprises define their GenAI adoption roadmap, they must consider the value process intelligence can deliver if they want the technology to reach its full potential. Celonis Founder Alex Rinke sat down with Phil Fersht to talk about the value of partnerships with the likes of of LLaMA and Hugging Face, so it might get even easier to infuse process intelligence with your Generative AI plans.Read More

  • Be pragmatic, excited, and responsible: how to get GenAI done

    December 22, 2023 | ,

    Sandeep Dadlani, Executive VP and Chief Digital and Technology Officer at UnitedHealth Group (UHG), the world’s largest healthcare enterprise with diversified businesses, has a long and deep technology experience across multiple industries on both the supply and demand side. His early days at UHG coincided with the explosion of GenAI on the global stage and has been shaping some of the thinking and doing for him.In speaking with Sandeep, it is clear about the methodical and structured approach he is driving at UHG could define how healthcare leverages the latest technology miracle.Read More

  • Cliff riffs on GenAI’s Edison moment…

    November 29, 2023 | ,

    We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Cliff Justice, KPMG’s US head of Enterprise Innovation, to delve into the transformative power of AI and its implications for individuals and businesses.Read More

  • Ravi explores this emerging jagged technology frontier enhanced by GenAI

    November 05, 2023 | ,

    Phil Fersht talks Ravi Kumar on how he is shaping things up at Cognizant in light of the opportunities and potential threats posed by GenAI.Read More