Fed up with cheesy sales presentations? Well, here’s the web event you’ve been waiting for…


Fed up with those whiffs of camembert emanating from your latest sales deck illustrating 92 beautifully-crafted graphical representations of your offshore transition methodology, your global delivery model and your “unique” roadmap to achieving innovation? Still wondering why your last three deals went south despite those investments your firm made in PowerPoint designers?

Well, your wait for answers is soon to be over, thanks to our own resident cheese-buster himself, the notorious Esteban Hererra who re-wrote the rule book on busting through the PowerPont cheese with his famous post entitled “Eight top tips to prevent outsourcing providers committing harakiri in the sales process“.

So how can you make the sales process smell less like a Wisconsin dairy farm? Easy – simply join us for our next web event, where we’ll discuss – and officially answer – these questions:

  • Which common presentation practices are actually detrimental to the efforts?
  • What are buyer’s pet peeves during sales pitches?
  • What can buyers do to improve the quality of the communications they receive?
  • How do successful presenters manage time and use tools like powerpoint?
  • What makes a presentation memorable?
  • In outsourcing pitches, how can you achieve differentiation?
  • How can you separate the hype from the actual capabilities of a provider?

December 7th at 11:00 AM Eastern Time, 4.00pm GMT


HfS says NO to cheese

Watch the sparks fly as HfS COO Esteban Herrera leads the discussion with these four cheese-busting industry luminaries:

*Kevin Judice: CIO, PNM Resources
(Rumored to turn up to sales pitches with a 12-bore)
*John Gustafson: VP, Energy & Utilities, Wipro
(Has the bullet-holes to prove it)
*David Poole: BPO Executive
(A reformed fondue expert and expert salesman)
*Chip Wagner: Chief Cheese-Busting Officer, Alsbridge
(Spends his days wearing cheese-armor)
*Mystery Cheese
(We’ll unveil a mystery cheese-buster especially for the occasion!)

December 7th at 11:00 AM Eastern Time, 4.00pm GMT


Posted in : Absolutely Meaningless Comedy, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), IT Outsourcing / IT Services, Outsourcing Advisors, Outsourcing Heros, Sourcing Best Practises


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