Evaluating a Service Provider? Relevant Profiles at Last!


Fed up with 100 page profiles that focus on quantity as opposed to the key areas that really matter to you? If only there was something unbiased, concise, relevant and to-the-point that really helps us navigate sourcing providers’ key offerings and capabilities? 

One question that crops up, time and again when we speak with outsourcing buyers, is the need for easy to use resources to help identify and select the right provider for the right task. HfS is launching a new type of report that delivers buyers a view of an individual service provider’s capabilities across both horizontal and industry vertical offerings. This is in addition to our flagship blueprint reports, which provide sourcing buyers with a view of the relative performance of providers in a particular offering space.

These Buyers Guides will be (as the name suggests) focused on the research needs of service buyers vetting potential IT/BPO service partners, providing in depth, referenceable insight. The Guides will include service provider people, process and technology capabilities, key financials, client examples, excerpts from published HfS Blueprints, strength, challenges, analyst insight as well as maturity modeling on the Eight-Ideals of the As-a-Service Economy. All factors that influence buyer’s decision-making today but more importantly, future-proof tomorrow.

So keep an eye, for the first of the buyer’s guides, starting with Genpact. They should appear on www.hfsresearch.com over the next two weeks.  If you have any feedback or suggestions for buyers guides you’d like to see, please reach out as these are always welcome.

Posted in : Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), IT Outsourcing / IT Services, Sourcing Best Practises, The As-a-Service Economy


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