The why, the what and the how of the HfS Digital OneOffice

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We’ve talked a lot about the HfS Digital OneOffice operating framework – it’s the HfS vision for the business operations endstate for digital organizations:

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The Digital OneOffice is where teams function autonomously across front, middle and back office functions to promote broader processes with real-time data flows that support rapid decision making. It’s where front, middle and back offices will cease to exist, as they will be, simply, OneOffice.

Why Digital OneOffice?

Digital organizations must have an operating framework that maps out how they have to operate in the future. Traditional operating models, while creating some incremental productivity value if managed effectively, struggle to drive the unification of digital business models with emerging technologies across a business’s operations:

  • A true digital business cannot succeed without unifying front, middle, and back office
  • Traditional approaches (organizational restructuring) have failed to have a purpose beyond incremental efficiency / productivity 
  • The Digital OneOffice is the organizational end-state to survive and succeed

What is the Digital OneOffice?

The Digital OneOffice focuses on real-time customer and employee engagement. OneOffice is:

  • Collaborative (Collective outcomes)
  • Unified (Without silos and hierarchies)
  • Dynamic (Agile and scalable)
  • Intelligent (Predictive, not reactive)
  • Responsive (Real-time)
  • Simple (Touchless and autonomous)

How to achieve Digital OneOffice?

The Digital OneOffice is the framework for achieving a true digital organization:

CX is not just fancy UI. Make CX the core of all your business operations from front to back.
Cost reduction is not a strategy. Drive organizational alignment and metrics that measure value creation, not only cost reduction. 
Weed out the people unprepared to change. Invest in an inclusive talent strategy, based people who want to learn and share.
Your tech infrastructure is everything. Automate, digitize, cloudify, and secure your organizational underbelly.
Build co-innovation relationships and shed legacy relationships. The partners who got you’re here may not be the ones to take you where you want to go.
Stop kicking the intelligent technology can down the road. It’s all here and now you need to make decisions on where you go with it
Stop thinking about the Future of Work. It’s already here…act now!

The Bottom-line: Traditional operating models have been focused on incremental improvements, not creating genuine frameworks for digital organizations

While traditional models such as outsourcing, shared services and global business services promote incremental efficiencies based on centralization of support functions and use of offshore to lower operating costs, none of these models have provided an ideal endstate for ambitious digital organizations.  Without having a true picture of how you want to operate in the future, you will be perennially be searching for short-term fixes to drive out further costs, and never be able to map out a strategic journey that will bring together your two most critical assets: your customers and employees.

Posted in : Digital Transformation, OneOffice

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