Announcing the HfS 50 Sourcing Blueprint Sessions


Remember the HfS 25, that elite group of 25 fine sourcing governators, brought together to debate the future of outsourcing? Well, after exactly one year, sadly it is no more…

…because it’s now the HfS 50!  Yes, the fiftieth organization has signed up and we’re very, very excited to announce our inaugural HfS 50 event to take place at New York’s Soho Grand next April 24th-25th:

This is going to be a defining two-day working session for power-brokers of the outsourcing industry, where leading buyers of both ITO and BPO services will confront today’s critical issues impacting outsourcing, to establish a Blueprint for the industry in 2015. And this time, we will have a vendor/buyer face-off session where leaders from six of the major service providers will join the debate.

 Key Highlights

*The next generation account manager—making the role work for both parties
*The next generation governance executive—making the role work for both parties
*Disrupting the vendor/client model – getting better visibility and transparency into each others’ pain-points
*Trends—what is around the corner for the industry and what will it look like in 2015?
*Trust—what has worked in building trusting relationships – and what has not?
*Community sourcing—how can social media and community networking drive better cross-client collaboration?
*Global Business Services frameworks—the next wave of value-creation, or glorified change management?
*The realities of disruptive sourcing: What is really going to change the game and how can these be effective:

  • Moving to standard business processes and platforms – reality or fantasy?
  • The uptake of Cloud computing – democratizing outsourcing?
  • Moving to genuine outcome-based pricing models – reality or fantasy?
  • Achieving real innovation with sourcing – reality or fantasy?

Do you have what it takes to make an impact?

If you are a buy-side sourcing governator and would like to get involved with the HfS 50, or a lead service provider executive, please email Tom Ivory for more information.

We hope to see many of you in New York in the Spring!

Posted in : Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Cloud Computing, Finance and Accounting, horses-for-sources-company-news, IT Outsourcing / IT Services, Procurement and Supply Chain, Social Networking, Sourcing Best Practises

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  1. Hi Peter,

    There is not fee associated with buyers participating in event – we simply discuss with those who are interested whether they are good fit, in terms of their seniority and experience with sourcing. Obviously, those buyers who are involved with the HfS 50 group on a regular basis will get preference – our goal is to have the HfS buyer community as active as possible with our face-to-face meetings, our private HfS 50 webcasts and other social interactions,

    Warm regards,


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