What happens when you combine HfS and The Conference Board to talk GBS… in Chicago?


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Still confused with GBS, but too afraid to ask what it’s all about? Then never fear as Deb Kops and the HfS team have the answers… in Chicago… 13-14 November.  Not only will we be sharing the blockbuster results of our brand new GBS survey that covered the dynamics of 1005 industry buyers, advisors and providers, but you’ll also get to hear from a host of industry luminaries such as UBS’  Roxanna Wall, BP’s Andrew Simpson, AOL’s Cindy Gallagher, Hershey’s Jeff Kemmerer, Ascension Health’s Lee Coulter and Northern Trust’s Jay Desai… are lots more.  So without further ado, let’s talk to the belle of the ball, Deb Kops herself…

So… Deborah, what’s going down in Chicago this Fall?  The Conference Board’s much vaunted annual Shared Services Conference is now renamed GBS?

Phil, GBS is now an aspiration for many shared services folk. The TCB conference acknowledges the fact that the sights of a number of shared services leaders now goes beyond one or two centers, linking both sourcing and internal delivery, sharing governance and disrupting processes to deliver end-to-end business value. This year the conference small group streams will recognize that evolution

So, who’s going to be there, and what are you most excited about?

The conference draws shared services and global sourcing professionals at all stages of the journey—those just starting, those with rapidly maturing operations, and those ready to implement radical change. The agenda is agnostic to function and industry, but draws a good cross section of folks who are keen to network with peers, discuss issues in small group settings designed for their specific stage of evolution, and participate in plenary sessions where some of the best and brightest in the industry—practitioners from UBS, SAIC, SC Johnson & Company, AoL, BP, Merck, Walgreens and others– deal with some of the most important issues facing practitioners today.

I have the privilege of chairing this year; for me, it’s a bit of a homecoming as I chaired the conference in 2006, which in global services time, is eons ago. I find the small group format, or streams, almost like small peer discussion groups within a larger conference context—well suited to give participants the white space they need to get answers to their challenges, and learn from others.

Are we giving HfS readers a discount?

We are pleased to offer HfS readers a $500 discount off of the conference and $200 off of the pre-conference seminar by referencing code DC1 on-line at http://www.conference-board.org/globalbusinessservices by calling Customer Service at 212 339 0345 or e-mail [email protected].

Posted in : Global Business Services, HfSResearch.com Homepage, Outsourcing Events, Talent in Sourcing


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