Category: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and BPaaS

  • Preaching Process with Pramod, Part III: What if you can build a true back-office-in-the-box, based on the Cloud and ERP platforms, which costs a fraction of what it used to?

    June 23, 2010 |

    At long last, we come to the final part of our interview with Genpact's President and CEO, Pramod Bhasin. Phil Fersht and Pramod discuss the future of process consulting, where labor arbitrage is heading, more about the Cloud, and a some advice for today's budding sourcing executives.Read More

  • Innovation in BPO purgatory, Part III: the escape route

    June 15, 2010 |

    When it comes to achieving innovation when outsourcing, buyers need to identify where real innovation is possible, and where they only really need operational efficiency. Both buyers and providers need to be honest with themselves to determine whether they are truly prepared to invest in either achieving or delivering innovation. If not, stick to being operationally efficicient and stop talking about an innovation game-plan that will never happen.Read More

  • Wip-ping sourcing into shape with Suresh Vaswani

    June 02, 2010 |

    If anyone had told you a few years ago that Wipro would have a market cap of more than $30bn, you would have made a few discreet calls to their doctor, or perhaps their math teacher. But today, the Bangalore-headquartered firm has firmly shed the tag of That Indian IT firm which makes the diapers, to become a genuine leading global IT services and BPO enterprise, with 105,000 employees. Read More

  • NetSuite – the new admiral of BPaaS, Part II

    May 27, 2010 |

    The cost of managing IT infrastructure is four to five, or even ten times the license cost. It’s enormous. We’ve eliminated all the cost to manage this stuff, so that’s a huge advantage for BPOsRead More

  • Enter NetSuite – the new admiral of BPaaS?

    May 26, 2010 |

    Hot on the heels of its recent alliance annoucement with Genpact, we caught up with NetSuite CEO Zach Nelson to get his take on Business Process Outsourcing delivery, and how he intends to leverage that channel to oust incumbent ERP platforms from midmarket businesses with his cloud computing business management software suite.Read More

  • Cloud security – a pleonasm?

    May 14, 2010 |

    Quite simply, Cloud computing represents one of the biggest opportunities and threats to IT professionals today. However, spend some with the CTOs at the likes of eBay, Amazon, etc., and their eyes will light up talking about their intense development programs, where they are training young IT talent to learn how to Cloud-enable applications that can underpin many different types of business processes. Read More

  • “Actionable Intelligence”: Our research alliance with EquaTerra

    May 06, 2010 |

    Horses for Sources is excited to announce a major development in our journey to be a truly distinctive analyst voice in the global services industry. Today, we are officially engaged in a research alliance with leading global business advisory firm EquaTerra to develop a new category of data-driven research, ‘Actionable Intelligence’.Read More

  • Preaching Process with Pramod, Part II: integrating IT and BPO and not getting blown up into small pieces…

    May 05, 2010 |

    we delve into how Genpact is striving to retain a unique identity in the industry as a pureplay BPO provider, in the face of increasing competition and the convergence of Cloud, SaaS and BPO delivery modelsRead More

  • Do you know how good or bad your processes are?

    May 01, 2010 |

    As I deconstruct the recording of our interview with Genpact's President and CEO Pramod Bhasin, one factor keeps springing out of the discussion, that makes me realize how far today's organizations have to go, before they can truly claim they are satisfied that they are maximizing their potential: Most companies can’t tell you how good or bad their business processes are. Read More

  • Preaching Process with Pramod: Genpact’s CEO discusses the New Relentless Economy, Part I

    April 28, 2010 |

    In order to help us grasp how the global provider community is reponding to this new relentless environment, we have engaged a number of CEOs of the leading providers to share with us their frank views of the changing world, how they survived the Recession, and how they intend to shape their business to support tomorrow's winners. To begin this series, we caught up with Genpact's President and CEO, Pramod Bhasin, and are delighted to feature some his thoughts from a very engaging discussion Read More