Who wants to be friends?


My good pal Vinnie Mirchandani just blogged about how we can add so much to our lives by looking beyond Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, Pinterest etc to find value from our networks, when it comes to learning new ideas and gleaning knowledge.  He mentions going to more events, getting more magazine subscriptions on your iPad, going to the book store… I would go further and encourage us all  just to make more of an effort to meet and talk!  You can’t beat sharing knowledge with each other as the best way to learn something new…

I was having a drink with an old friend recently and that person said something that make me think;  “Everyone knows you, but very few people actually know Phil the person”.

It really him home that I was electronically famous (or notorious) but few people actually know me to hang out / have drinks / shoot the sh*t etc

I used to really value my personal relationships but it really dawned on my how superficial so many of my social media relationships were. I’ve put so much effort into building my electronic network in recent years, and not enough into my personal network. While my electronic friends are fun, they pale in comparison with real people and real conversation…

My first New Year’s resolution is to change this and focus more on the “real” less the avatar… so if anyone’s passing through Boston, my offer is open to share a decent glass of wine… pint of good ol’ ale… maybe even a single malt.  Drop me a line anytime 🙂

Posted in : Absolutely Meaningless Comedy, Social Networking


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