Be warned – there’s a complete end-end HRO schmooze-fest coming… to Atlanta!


Join LeAnne and Phil at the 2011 BeEmpowered Event (click for more details)

You have been warned… there’s an HRO schmooze-fest on the horizon, amidst the cool late summer breeze of picturesque Atlanta.  

Yes! The HR Outsourcing Association burns white-hot as it integrates the HRO buyers’ group, the  RPO Alliance, the Absence Management Academy*  – and every other HRO special interest group ever dreamed up – into one star-studded, fully integrated cornucopia of HRO.

Yes! If you still care about HRO, you will be there reminding yourself  – and anyone else who will listen – that no matter how bad things get, you can always find nice places to outsource your payroll, benefits and offboarding hotline.

And in case you’re still undecided about dusting off that stagnating Delta airmiles account (which has probably expired), we can exclusively reveal that HfS will be speaking, schmoozing and signing commemorative copies of the famous 2004 HROToday archive editions.

And yes! You’ll also get the chance to find out why Geek Squad and Magnolia Theater reps are just so nice… from LeAnne Anderson, Doyenne of HR services at Best Buy.

Yes! it’s time to head to Atlanta for HROA’s BeEmpowered event on September 21 and 22.

We’ll be there for both days, and will participate in a number of the sessions, in addition to our plenary entitled State of the Outsourcing Industry in 2011 – A new era for global business operations strategy, or more of the same?  In addition, you dare not miss the Networking Dinner & Awards Gala on the evening of September 21, which promises to take after dinner HRO awards speeches to new heights**.

And not only have we negotiated our readers our usual discount, this time we’ve negotiated a whopping 50% discount for attendance:

To register, simply click here, go to “New Registration”, input “HfS2011” into ID Code and then click on HfS Attendee.

This booking will allow you access to the Wednesday Buyers meeting, the Awards Gala and the Thursday BeEmpowered Networking event where HfS will present.

Oh.. this code is only for use by buyers. If you are a provider, advisor or technology firm, please email Faye Holland for details of sponsorship packages.

We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

*We made that one up…

**Unlikely to surpass Glenn Davidson’s 2005 after-dinner resignation speech, but you never know with some of the characters showing up

Posted in : Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), HR Outsourcing, HR Strategy, Outsourcing Events, Sourcing Best Practises, sourcing-change


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