Not worried about robots taking your job? This may change your mind…


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Posted in : Cloud Computing, Digital Transformation, HR Strategy, Robotic Process Automation, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and BPaaS, sourcing-change, The Internet of Things



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  1. Hi Phil & Team HfS
    Thanks for sharing this thought provoking video. 15 minutes full of really interesting perspectives and food for mind. I definitely need to have a good conversation with my 4 children about how not to end up in a Horse 2.0 situation.
    BR, Heine Stenholt

  2. Overall, a very good video and storyline. However, you are positioning Watson as replacing jobs and IBM’s position is that Watson is a “smart advisor” to assist doctors, lawyers, financial planners, etc. We do not see it replacing doctors as a “doctor bot” in the future. Can it augment personal healthcare thru apps? yes – but those apps already exist today and Watson just makes them smarter.

  3. Full disclosure: I’m a program director in IBM’s Watson Group. Piggybacking on Holly’s comment, we’ve had clients tell us they expect to need to hire MORE contact center reps to accommodate the increased level of overall engagement of their constituents as a result of putting Watson-driven self-service assistance in their hands. Their view is that lowering the barriers to outreach and conversation leads to greater engagement across the board.

  4. Self driving cars, etc. are a great innovation but do the world a real service and finally get rid of analysts and consultants….

  5. @michaelholmes, I couldn’t agree more. We’re working on automation for a “big pharma” analytics department. They have 100 MBAs spending 50% of their time cleaning data before they can start doing the analytics piece and unsurprisingly, “attrition is a bit of a problem”. Robotics will automate the transactional work leaving the brainy people to do their stuff. As a result, the client wants to *increase* their number.

  6. Michael & Guy, one of the points in the video is that for now, those MBA’s and customer service reps might need to increase, but what happens when a “bot” becomes cheaper and faster?

  7. […] Artificial intelligence and robotic process automation poses an ethical dilemma especially in regard…. Robots are poised to take more jobs in the future but humans will always be needed. In fact, what the Horses For Sources analysts are saying is that in the long term, more quality jobs will be available and we’ll benefit from the robotic disruption in the long run. […]

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